New to the Digital Nomad life and wondering how to get started with a bit more financial stability under your belt? Thankfully, there are hundreds of ways to fund your wanderlust. If you are creative enough and you are willing to put in the work, you can make plenty of money on your travels. You don’t have to be a genius when it comes to business acumen, but it’s good to raise your standards and get to grips with some important aspects.
The 10 Most Important Questions to Answer Before Become a Digital Nomad
There are two main schools of thought when it comes to determining whether the Digital Nomad life and lifestyle could be right for you. There’s Team YOLO, that is all about leap first, figure the rest out as you go; I LOVE that journey for them.
BUT If you’re anything like me, while that might sound bold and exciting, it also sounds terrifying and little bit too ‘irresponsible’ for MY life and MY lifestyle*. Before deciding to become a Digital Nomad, I believe individuals should take the time to truly evaluate the opportunity
Digital Nomad Mistakes That You Can Avoid Making
Being a digital nomad is an incredible adventure, but it comes with its own set of challenges. By avoiding these common mistakes, you'll not only enhance your travel experience but also set yourself up for long-term success as a digital nomad. Remember, it's not just about the destination; it's about the journey and the lessons you learn along the way.
Important News for Future Brazil Trips: Your Guide to the New Visa Requirement Starting 2024!
Get ready to sprinkle a bit of extra magic on your Brazilian adventure because, starting January 10, 2024, a new twist awaits U.S. travelers planning to soak up the sun in Rio de Janeiro and beyond. Don’t worry, we've got all the deets on the recently reinstated visa requirement and how to breeze through the process.
5 Tips for Surviving Cohabitation as an Extroverted Introvert
Turning Passion into Income
Now, if you’ve been doing research into the various opportunities that exist for making money as a Digital Nomad, you’ve probably seen hundreds of suggestions, from opening a Shopify store to working as a virtual assistant.
But I’m here to offer my two cents on what I believe to be the most important and fundamental task; before you even begin to create your list for potential sources of income while traveling. This task is to ask yourself one simple question: What are you passionate about?
5 Tips for a Digital Nomad Novice
Living Life at Cause versus Effect
Do you make a conscious choice to take ownership over every decision that you make? Being at cause means you have choices in your life - you can choose what is best for you and for those around you. Those who live their lives at effect often see themselves or live their lives as victims with no choices whatsoever.
Mindfulness on the Road: A Digital Nomad’s Guide to Self-Care
Traveler's Depression
I think many of us have this idea that travel can be a cure all. “If I can just escape this town, this ex, this job, everything will get better”. I would argue this is one of the greatest misconceptions about traveling and one that I’ve personally had to face head on.
The idea that changing external factors will magically transform your life is a farce. The first week abroad, maybe first month even, you’ll enjoy a nice honeymoon phase for sure.
But then shit gets real.
Intermittent Fasting
Top 3 Myths about Digital Nomad Life
Journey to: Lima, Peru
“The art of living... is neither careless drifting on the one hand nor fearful clinging to the past on the other. It consists in being sensitive to each moment, in regarding it as utterly new and unique, in having the mind open and wholly receptive.” - Instead of my usual stream on consciousness ramblings here, I want you to check out these Ten Tips For Living in the Now. Came across this article and I think its Fuego.