When we end up moving to another country or start traveling around more, there are the little things that we miss out on which contribute to a major sense of homesickness. Setting up a whole new life in another country is incredibly exciting, of course, but we also need to remember that it's okay to feel like this. Sometimes, a little taste of home can be exactly what the doctor ordered when we live in another country.
20 Ideas for Combating Travelers Depression
Traveler's Depression
I think many of us have this idea that travel can be a cure all. “If I can just escape this town, this ex, this job, everything will get better”. I would argue this is one of the greatest misconceptions about traveling and one that I’ve personally had to face head on.
The idea that changing external factors will magically transform your life is a farce. The first week abroad, maybe first month even, you’ll enjoy a nice honeymoon phase for sure.
But then shit gets real.