Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you meet someone new or you’re about to make a decision and you suddenly get a feeling in the pit of your stomach? Some call it gut instinct, others intuition…in reality, it is both of those things AND biology.

What do I mean by biology? Well, it’s neuroscience actually.


Meet The enteric nervous system. Our brain and gut are connected by an extensive network of neurons and a highway of chemicals and hormones that constantly provide feedback about how hungry we are, if taking a chance on that Thai food from Monday was a mistake, or whether or not we’re experiencing stress. This information superhighway is called the brain-gut axis, it provides constant updates on the state of affairs at your two ends and is often referred to as our body’s second brain. [It contains some 100 million neurons, more than the spinal cord!]

When you see an attractive person enter the room or finally get your credit card bill after the holiday season, that sinking feeling you experience in your stomach is an immediate indicator that the brain is stressed, and your stomach knows it.



Inside the digestive system, the enteric nervous system mainly communicates with gut bacteria, the completely independent organisms that live in our GI tract. [Fun Fact: There are just as many of them inside of us as our own human cells.]

This may sound disturbing at surface level…but fear not! The bacteria that is in our gut has evolved with us since birth. They help digest our food and fight off unfriendly outsiders like viruses and other unwelcomed guests. To keep us healthy they need to be healthy and abundant.  When they’re not, we feel it: This biomass of bacteria communicates with important neurotransmitters embedded throughout our enteric nervous system to send messages that influence the way we feel.

Crazy stuff, huh?


 Now that we understand how our gut has the ability to impact how we feel, the connection between our physical and emotional health becomes even more blatant.

Specifically, this biohacking this mechanism could have a major impact for those who suffer from anxiety or depression. Studies indicate that those with healthy and diverse gut microbes are less likely to suffer from either condition. [4] And many of us who grew up in sterile environments, overused antibiotics, and ate shit food have a unequivocally unhealthy microbiome. So, changing one’s diet could well benefit far more than your waistline.


What can you do to optimize the health of your gut? Add Probiotics and Prebiotics to your diet.

Probiotics: The healthy bacteria that lives in your gut

Daily Recommended Amount: Between 1 billion to 10 billion colony-forming units (CFU)

Natural Sources:

·      Yogurt (as natural as possible; stay away from that sugary, dyed crap)

·      Cheese

·      Kefir

·      Kombucha

Recommended Supplements:

·      40 Billion CFU Probiotic Supplement


Prebiotics: The fiber rich ‘food’ for the probiotics that promote their growth or activity

Daily Recommended Amount: 5 grams/ day

Natural Sources:

·      Raw Chicory Root

·      Raw Dandelion Greens

·      Raw Garlic

·      Onions

·      Bananas

·      Seaweed (Spirulina)

Recommended Supplements:

·      Spirulina Power (great in shakes)

·      Spirulina Capsules

·      Prebiotic Daily


There is evidence that a healthy gut can curb inflammation and cortisol levels, lower your reaction to stress, improve memory, and even reduce neuroticism and social anxiety. Remember, Health is Wealth!


What to learn more? Follow me on instagram @taylorwallace and subscribe to the FitFounder Newsletter for weekly doses of awesome!

Let’s get after it guys!




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