Top Offerings:

Business Strategy Tool Kit

Executive Summary: One-Pager Business Plans

Strategy Mapping

How Do Our Services Help our Startup Clients?

1.     Easily define and execute your organization and business strategy to ensure high profitable growth

2.     Create a robust strategic plan describing where the company should go and how to get there

3.     Conduct a strategic planning project to define your mission, vision, strategic objectives, and key initiatives

4.     Build a strategic map and balanced scorecard to translate your strategy into strategic objectives, KPIs, and Targets

5.     ID strategic options and their respective risk with the Ansoff Growth Matrix and the Porter’s Generic Corporate strategies Matrix

6.     Identify the key drivers of your profit to better understand your profit growth or profit decline, and act accordingly

7.     Decide if you should enter a new market (foreign markets, etc)

8.     Decide if you should introduce a new product based on desirability, feasibility, and profitability

9.     Decide if org should acquire a new company based on financial benefits strategic benefits, and feasibility of the deal

10.  Build strong business case to get project approved by key stakeholders

11.  Build simple and sophisticated financial models to estimate project financials: revenue, cost savings, cash flow, net present value, ROI, payback period, etc

12.  Create robust business plan to raise capital for a new venture

13.  Create a market and competitor analysis to better define your strategy and outperform competitors

14.  Conduct a commercial due diligence (CDD) to ID the likely future performance of a company

15.  Increase know-how with the top 22 strategy tools: Business Road Map, Blue Ocean Strategy, Entry/Exit Barriers, Experience Curve, Fishbone Diagram, Five Whys, Initiative orientation Matrix, Issue Tree, Maturity Model, MCKinsey Seven-S, Product Lifecycle, Strategy Map, Value Chain Analysis, Value Driver Tree, PESTLE, Porters 5 Forces, SWOT