The Fit Founder

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Journey to: Lima, Peru

2018 was an absolutely MENTAL year for me[1] On New Years Eve of 2017, I boarded a plane out of Boston with my long-term partner, excited for a full year of Digital Nomading. In one year: I lived in 14 countries, across 4 continents. Here’s what I’ve got to show for it.

4.    📍Lima, Peru

Lima, Peru

1)    😍My Dopest Experience

2)    💩My Toughest Experience

3)    🔑My biggest take away

a.    😍I learned how to surf! Short and sweet; I got to try something thats been on my bucket-list for a while and it was epic. Scary and Challenging… but Epic :) My surf instructor only spoke Spanish and, though my Spanish is quite good, its not necessarily ‘learn a completely new skill in this language, while actively in the active sea’ good 😅. That being said, I made it though and was feeling like a BAB in the end of it 🏄🏾‍♀️

b.   💩My longtime partner Mitchell and I began to realize that the needs of his business, as well as the deeper understanding of our unique personal growth journeys, were blatantly calling him back to the states and me to the next chapter of my travel journey. This was something was was extremely tough for us, but, when you really love someone, you know when its time to let go and let God. If its meant to be, you just have to remember that no matter what, “This will work out for my ultimate advantage”. {This is actually one of my favorite mantras}

c.     🔑 In love, as is the case in love in general, you need to take periodic step back from your ‘flow/grind/hustle/(enter generic Thought Leader’s catch phrase here)’ and ask yourself: WHAT (not how) do I feel right now? (physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc) What am I doing (or TRYING to do)? Why am I doing this? How do I feel about these two answers? For us Type A folks, even though we often know better, we can sometimes find ourselves in these Objective Oriented cycles and forget the importance of learning to love the process. Life isn’t always going to follow the exact plan you may have orchestrated in your mind….but have faith in the universe. More often than not, it’s got something in store for us that’s even greater than anything we could have even imagined.

🔑Major Key: Reality is a projection of your thoughts or the things you habitually think about. Our way of thinking creates good or bad outcomes.

🍇Food for Thought🍇:

“The art of living... is neither careless drifting on the one hand nor fearful clinging to the past on the other. It consists in being sensitive to each moment, in regarding it as utterly new and unique, in having the mind open and wholly receptive.” - Instead of my usual stream on consciousness ramblings here, I want you to check out these Ten Tips For Living in the Now. Came across this article and I think its Fuego. Let me know what you think??*

*My favorite from this list is #3: Fully appreciate the moments of today. Soak in as much of today as you possibly can – the sights, the sounds, the smells, the emotions, the triumph, and the sorrow. How does it feel to really tap into yourself at these levels?! Comment Below!