Journey to: Buenos Aires, Argentina
2018 was an absolutely MENTAL year for me[1] On New Years Eve of 2017, I boarded a plane out of Boston with my long-term partner, excited for a full year of Digital Nomading. In one year: I lived in 14 countries, across 4 continents. Here’s what I’ve got to show for it.
1. 📍Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina
1) 😍My Dopest Experience
2) 💩My Toughest Experience
3) 🔑My biggest take away
a. 😍 Riding a boat through Iguazu River and experiencing the most amazing oneness with nature (Yūgen), including the MASSIVE mystery bug that stung that shit out of me WHILE we were on the boat accelerating to the massive Falls. It’s funny because it happened 2 days after my Yellow Fever Vaccination and guess what two things have an insane amount in common: YF Vaccine adverse reactions & Venom Poisoning. LAWL Fun 3 days followed this one.
b. 💩Co-habitating in a room (studio) with no window, no privacy (paper thin bathroom walls)…as silly as it sounds, such an extreme change in loving environments had much further reaching impact than anticipated. Sans Mitch and my spacious super apartment in Seaport, Boston, I hadn’t successfully co-habituated since the early days of Bunk Beds with my brother Jordan cerca 1999. Even back then, it was sharing space was a struggle. I always felt our shared closet would be better utilized as a ‘port-a-poty’ type space to avoid scary late night walks down the hall to the bathroom and he liked to keep moldy snacks under his bed (though we had a STRICT no food allowed upstairs rule) and blame me every time a parents or collection of crawly critters unearthed it….obviously we survived it, as we’re both here to recount these tales but, you could say we had….creative differences. Oh. This city also ate my first DJI Drone, Day 1. Dead Ass. That kind of sucked too.
c. 🤔 Human mind is capable of exponentially more adversary than we sometimes give it credit for. Argentina, as the first country on my year long global adventure, came complete with a whole host of stories and expectations in my head around how it would be, who I SHOULD be, the types of people would meet, and everything in between:
🔑Major Key: Ditch the expectations and realize that, YOU are the only person responsible for the lens through which you view reality and for how you choose to consciously create it.
🍇Food for Thought🍇:
“You Become What You Think About” - Are you someone who spends more time thinking about what you DON’T want in your life? or more time thinking about what you DO? Instead of the former, spend ONE DAY (to start) consciously framing all of your thoughts through the lens of the positive. Example: Instead of ‘I don’t want to feel unfulfilled in my daily work life’, change the narrative to ‘I want to be challenged and inspired by the work I do’. You’ll be AMAZED at how quickly you begin to notice a difference in your day to day. I promise.